American Ballet Academy offers classes to students starting at age 3. The Young Dancer series teaches students coordination, musicality, classroom etiquette, and poise and posture in a fun, structured environment. Introductory ballet steps are taught in an age-appropriate manner, preparing students for Curriculum Ballet Program. The successive program, including Creative Movement, Pre-Ballet I, and Pre-Ballet II, is a wonderful way to introduce your child to dance and ballet!

Creative Movement: Age 3-5. An introduction to dance and movement. The class emphasizes creativity, basic dance positions and steps, rhythm, coordination, and discipline in a fun environment. Class meets once per week for 30 minutes. Times include Monday at 4:30pm, Tuesday at 10am, Thursday at 5:15pm and Saturday at 11am. Monthly tuition is $54.

Pre-Ballet I: Age 4-6. An introduction to dance and movement. The class emphasizes creativity while further building on basic dance positions and steps, rhythm, coordination, and discipline in a fun, supportive environment. Class encourages development of participation, autonomy, and confidence which are needed for future classes. Class meets once per week for 45 minutes. Times are Monday at 5pm, Tuesday at 10:30am, Wednesday at 3pm, Thursday at 4:30pm, and Saturday 10:15am. Monthly tuition is $60.

Pre-Ballet II: Age 6-8. Pre-ballet II continues the creative movement of dance while transitioning to a true ballet-format class. Students further explore positions, dance steps, rhythm, and coordination in a disciplined, yet fun environment. The class continues to build autonomy and confidence. Class meets once per week for 45 minutes. Times include Thursday at 4:15pm, Thursday at 5:45pm, Friday at 3:30pm, and Saturday 9:30am. Monthly tuition is $62.