Community Ballet is a mixed-age, mixed-level class for High School students and adults.  The benefits of ballet can be felt for years, and you are never too old to enter a ballet studio!  If you are just wanting to start, haven’t danced in years, or just want to keep dancing, we would love for you to join us!

Private lessons are also available to further your training.

Rates for privates: $40 for the first 30 minutes, $60 per hour after that. A 45 minute private is $55.


Adults: Dance is not just for kids! Adults can enjoy the benefits of dance, too: health, friendship, and fun! Beginning Ballet is for adults with little to no experience, or those who have not danced it years. It meets Wednesday at 7:45pm. Community Ballet is designed for high school and adult students of beginning/intermediate and intermediate experience levels. Novice dancers are welcome but may wish to take Beginning Ballet or privates for more fundamental instruction first. The class work teaches classical ballet movements and concepts in a relaxed, fun environment. Class meets Monday at 7:45pm, and/or Saturday at 8:30 am. The Silver Slippers class is a lower impact ballet class. It meets Tuesday at 11:15am. More experienced dancers may take additional Ballet IV or V classes as discussed with the instructors. Monthly tuition is $58 for one class per week: $98 for 2 classes per week. Alternatively, punch cards can be purchased; a six-class punch card is $96 (good for 3 months) or a 12-class punch card is $169 (good for 6 months). Drop-ins are $18/class.